It's an easy task these days down here in the Carolinas to run into folks who have made the plunge into the sub tropical climate from the New England area. Most everyone still has some sort of tie to New England and for whatever faults it may have (like maybe the weather???), most everyone misses some of it. We are certainly no different and we have many family ties to New England that send us back there at least a couple of times every year. Aside from family, it's not hard to understand how the beauty of the montains, the fertile valleys, the Cape & the Islands can draw you back in, just when you thought you were out! It's a photographer's heaven to boot!
With our market season finishing up for the Summer season this Saturday, we're preparing for our Summer sojourn up to New England so naturally, photos from our past visits have come to mind, as well as anticipation of what new beauty we'll find. I'm anxious to take our 4 yr old grandson out with his new digital camera and see if he can teach me a few tricks! One place we both love to visit is Marthas Vineyard where he can play with his 2 aunts and rub elbows with the rich and snotty famous! If you've never visited the Vineyard or just want to refresh your memory of the beauty of the island, I hope that these photos will bring back memories or prompt you to go!
If you'd like to bring some of these photos into your home, we are offering all Marthas Vineyard photos printed on canvas for 33% off. (UPS shipping is $8 extra) Simply choose your photo(s) of choice from theis slide show or from the entire gallery, go to the shop and use the code "MV33" to receive your discount. This offer expires on Aug 9th.
Click the photo to cycle through the slide show or view singularly from the filmstrip below the photo.